Body Contouring

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Body Contouring

Body contouring or body sculpting involves non-surgical cosmetic procedures that reveal a firm and toned body beneath fat or loose skin. Using body contouring can transform unsightly bulges into beautiful curves.
Everyone has a sculpted physique just beneath the surface, and sometimes diet and exercise alone can’t help us achieve our aesthetic goals. No matter what you do, stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs, or “love handles” won’t budge.

What Options Are Available?

At The Botox Bar, you will find the best body contouring treatments in the Dallas, Texas, area. Two of our clients’ favorite body sculpting treatments are V-shape and EvolveX. They both provide powerful personal transformation, but they do so in different ways.


V-Shape Body Contouring regenerates and revitalizes body tissue by delivering concentrated thermal energy through non-invasive radio frequency (RF) technology. Suitable for all skin types, including thin and delicate areas of the face, neck, and décolleté, these treatments are safe and effective. Integrated cooling and gradual heating prevent pain for more comfortable treatments.
The number of treatments required for this type of treatment will depend on the grade of cellulite (below). We will recommend from 3 to 6 treatments depending on the grade of cellulite (below). The results will last between 18 months and 2 years if you follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. 


The Evolve X procedure eliminates fat, tightens skin, and tones muscles in many areas of the body, including the abdomen, waist, arms, inner and outer thighs, back, legs, and buttocks.
Evolve X uses non-invasive contouring techniques to reduce body fat and remodel muscle and skin without invasive surgery. As RF waves tighten the underlying skin structure and boost collagen and elastin production, they are safe and gentle on your skin. During this process, fat cells are destroyed, and smoother, more youthful curves are encouraged.
Depending on the Evolve X treatment technology you choose, the body sculpting can be customized to fit your needs. Evolve X offers three types of body sculpting treatments at The Botox Bar in Dallas, Texas.

Evolve Tite

With Evolve Tite, you can tighten skin on the abdomen, upper arms, flanks, buttocks, and thighs using radio frequency technology. You can tailor and customize treatments for many parts of your body with Evolve Tite to improve laxity and increase firmness.

Evolve Transform

Evolve Transform helps reduce fat, improve skin appearance, and strengthen muscles through body sculpting. Two procedures are combined in this Evolve X treatment. In the first step, RF energy is used for deep tissue heating and fat burning, followed by electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to force muscles to contract.

Get the sculpted body you desire with Body Contouring! To find out how Body Contouring can benefit you, contact our providers at The Botox Bar in Dallas, Texas today.


Before and After Body Contouring treatment result in The Botox Bar and Aesthetics at Dallas & Sherman, TX
Before and After Body Contouring treatment in The Botox Bar and Aesthetics at Dallas & Sherman, TX
Before and After the result of BeautiFill treatment | The Botox Bar and Aesthetics at Dallas & Sherman, TX

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