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Weight Loss test

Start your weight loss journey with a consultation at The Botox Bar in Dallas, Texas. As part of our first meeting, we will discuss your weight loss goals and determine how we can help. Each person has their own unique goals. Whether you’re a new mother, a college student, or a busy professional, we’ll develop a plan that works for you. The Botox Bar Medical Weight Loss Program is your first step to a brand new you! Now is the time to take your first step toward your weight loss goals!
The Consultation
As part of your initial consultation at The Botox Bar, we will discuss your weight goals and lifestyle habits. We take your current measurements and weight. During this visit, you will also have a full Medical Evaluation, Labs, and EKG to determine your eligibility for our Medical Weight Loss Program.
A consultation, complete assessment, and medical clearance are required for acute medical weight loss accompanied by vitamin injections, dietary and exercise plans and body composition analysis. Medications for weight loss will also be prescribed as needed.
After an in-depth discussion, we will provide a personalized monthly program tailored to your health concerns. Follow-up checkups will monitor the progress of your treatment. 
Don’t wait any longer! Start your weight loss journey today by contacting The Botox Bar in Dallas, Texas. Our Medical Weight Loss Program might just be the solution you are looking for! 

Medications Offered:


Semaglutide mimics the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). The body produces GLP-1 after eating a meal. Your body naturally produces several substances that affect your appetite. A hormone called GLP-1 plays a significant role in this. Your body produces GLP-1 when you eat. It prevents you from feeling hungry after eating and makes you feel full after eating. By doing so, your body is also able to regulate blood sugar levels better.  


The Lipo-B injection is typically used as a fat-loss supplement along with diet and exercise. Lipo-B (MIC) injection consists of a combination of methionine, inositol, choline, and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Injections containing Lipo-B (MIC) contain a combination of compounds that can produce lipotropic effects.


An injection of Lipo-C is used to reduce body fat and preserve lean muscle mass. Lipotropic injections can also protect and maintain the liver’s health. Injections should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise program, and weekly weigh-ins to ensure success.

The Renuvion Body

The Renuvion Neck


Those who struggle with being overweight or obese may be good candidates. Our office conducts a thorough evaluation to determine whether you would be an appropriate candidate for our services.
Even though these medications are considered safe, you should always consult your physician before starting any weight loss program.
The most common side effects of Semaglutide may include:
Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach (abdomen) pain, headache, tiredness (fatigue), upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, stomach flu and heartburn.
It’s better to take medication at night.
Do not share your Semaglutide injections with others, even if you changed the needle. There is a possibility that you will give another person a serious infection or that you will get one from them.
Depending on your lifestyle and how closely you follow the treatment protocol, you may be able to lose a significant amount of weight. As each of our programs are custom, results will vary.
While it is possible to maintain a healthy weight without exercising, research consistently shows that exercise increases the chances of doing so. 
Foods to avoid while on Semaglutide:
  • Junk food
  • Fast food
  • Soda
  • Alcohol
  • Cakes or Cookies
  • Processed food
  • Ice cream
  • Chips
  • Doughnuts or Pastries
  • ‘Healthy’ snacks such as fruit snacks or granola bars that are actually high in sugar.
Best foods to consume while on Semaglutide: (Foods that are light and bland)
  • Fruits – such as apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes.
  • Vegetables – such as carrots, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables.
  • Whole grains – carbohydrates that turn into blood sugar, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and brown rice.
  • Legumes – such as lentils and beans.
  • Lean proteins – poultry, tofu, fish, and beans.
  • Healthy fats – including olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds, which may reduce your risk of cardiovascular events, including strokes and heart attacks.
Different patients will require different doses of this medicine. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions or the directions on the label. Only average doses of this medicine are provided below. You should not adjust your dosage without your doctor’s permission.
First dosing, 0.25 (mg) milligrams injected under the skin once a week. Your doctor may increase your dose every week and or as directed by provider.

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